Most of the advice is good, much of the advice is looked for, and some of the advice is clearly given because people feel it is their moral obligation to tell you that you are "a hippie parent," or "giving your baby a terrible name that you will always regret giving," or "so young and inexperienced."
Well, I know that by the time a second baby comes around I will not have time or patience to sit and knit half a dozen different sized bonnets, but for now... I think we should get the chance to be idealists just like everyone else did.
And yes. We are planning on using reusable diapers.
A statement which tends to produce audible gasps from veteran parents.
But look how cool they are!
And I've had several friends who used them and liked them.

It's not like we're going to wrap the baby in a towel and hope everything works out (and stays in!)
I'm also planning on carrying my baby in a Moby Wrap, since I have opinionated views on the importance of holding your baby as much as possible.

And we will not feed our baby any food besides breast milk until it is at least seven months old (nine months if I can help it!) and then we will not buy baby food. We can mash our own vegetables very well, thank you very much.

Aaaand, our children will not drink soda except on very special occasions. Never with meals.
And if they do drink soda it will be Mexican soda, which uses cane sugar instead of corn syrup, or Sparkling Juice, which is better anyway.

And we will hold to these ideals.
At least until the baby is born.
At which time, please do not say "I told you so."
We all know you did.
Ah, I never even had these ideals. Plus, I want to eat that squash. Yummy. Plus, who cares what other people think, if you want to use reusable diapers, go right ahead, but when babe comes to be baby sat, bring some of those new fangled disposables. They are the bee's knees.
Ah, I never even had these ideals. Plus, I want to eat that squash. Yummy. Plus, who cares what other people think, if you want to use reusable diapers, go right ahead, but when babe comes to be baby sat, bring some of those new fangled disposables. They are the bee's knees.
Also I never said I told you so and did you know that your first word was "Pop" said very sadly because you were trying to manipulate me. I used cloth diapers with Mary and let me tell you it was a lot of work! But go for it. Who called you "a hippie parent"?
i <3 jarritos so bad. good for you for sticking to your guns! breastfeed for a year! but then what do i know.
Jared says only drink pop with meals, never by itself. It is worse for your teeth to drink it by itself. Also we believe in fluoride.
Those look like great re-usable diapers! Lots better than what we had to use WAY back when your mom was a baby. So how did you get so opinionated?
I LOVE your blog! Great design and way interesting- I'm not even pregnant and I've loved reading all of it. I especially wanted to add an AMEN to the breast feeding and mashing your own vegetables. Keep your baby healthier while saving money. Also, I NEVER drink soda- but if I'm getting one for some special occasion it's only ever "Jarritos" It's nice to drink something that has only about 5 ingredients as opposed to a huge paragraph full of words a mile long and clearly not good for you. (digital culture class)
cloth diapers aren't that hard. i'll have to share with you all the stuff i've learned in the last year of doing it. i liked the moby for winter time cause it was nice and cozy, but i liked a sling for summer and for when he was bigger.
Becky, I can't believe you're pregnant! Congratulations! Also, if you want,MAKING a moby is super easy. I just made one for my sister and my little niece Clara.
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