But April and October are fun for similar reasons.
Anyway, my friend Tammy (who lives on a farm that I am highly jealous of) has dubbed October "the month of fun," and I want to call it that too.
October is fun because Halloween is fun.
October is fun because picking pumpkins from the pumpkin patch is so fun.
October is fun because the food is the best it will be ALL YEAR. (We're talking apples, potatoes, pumpkins, cookies, pies galore, fresh peaches. We should celebrate Thanksgiving like the Canadians do! In OCTOBER!)

October is fun because you get to wear all your cute snuggley clothes that have been packed all summer. I LOVE pulling out orange sweaters and my great-grandmother's homemade wool dresses.
October is fun because of all the great movies. (It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! and Hocus Pocus among my favorites)

October is fun because it's so pretty outside. Crispy orange leaves crackling under foot, the sun rising through the mists over the mountains, sugar crystals on the grass when you wake up very early in the morning.
October is fun because it's our anniversary!

October is fun because you get to unpack all your pretty homemade quilts that made you too hot during the summer and snuggle up in them and feel just right.
October is fun because of all the warm drinks to drink. I had some chamomile tea this morning and yesterday I had hot apple cider. I'm not a huge cocoa fan unless the cocoa is full of whipped cream, but BOY! I love hot ginger milk. I'll have that tomorrow... or this evening.
October is fun because I get to celebrate my half-birthday. And half-birthdays are very nice.
But this specific weekend, October is fun because my unnervingly gorgeous sister who is a sophomore at BYU-I is coming to visit.
She looks like this:

Knock-out. Am I right?
What is your favorite month? What will you do during this "month of fun"?
And if you want to go pick pumpkins from a patch and live in Utah Valley, may I suggest visiting The Garden of Steven?
775S 1600W, Mapleton Utah
It is perfect. Quaint, pretty, cheap, family-owned and full of the most perfectly round, perfectly orange pumpkins you've probably ever seen.
We love the The Garden of Steven. They also have the best tomatoes I've had in my life.
I love October also, for every single reason you listed (except I am not lucky enough to be married to Travis so alas it is not our anniversary):). This is why I love you Becky you are good at pointing out all the wonderful things. I need to work on my Halloween Costume this Month of Fun.
October is my favorite month too!!
It's also our anniversary. And my birthday. And I love that it gets chilly, but not too cold. And I love that the mountains here in Utah are so gorgeous during October. And that I can justify buying big bags of fun sized candy bars :)
It is also your gorgeous sister Mary's 19th birthday in October! What a beautiful quilt! It that yours and when did you get it? I am unfamiliar with that particular quilt. I love it. My winter quilt is overly loved and your dad doesn't want me to use it anymore, but I don't care and want to keep using it! Lovely post!
I wish I had that quilt.
I want it. It's the Dream Catcher quilt off Grandma's blog.
I love that you were married in October! I love half birthdays too, mine is June 25. My mom still calls me on my half birthday. I just went to the pumpkin patch today. I love the Month of Fun!
I love this post. It reminds me of all of the things I love about October too, well, except the anniversary part. I love apple orchards, apple pie, apple cider, and yummy spiced baked goods.
Becky, your blog is wonderful.
Very nice post, all about fun, and no crying taking place. Great pics too! Glad you and Mary had fun this past wk-end.
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