I look like this:

I put my arms by my side so you'd all stop accusing me of "sticking it out." This is me standing normal, I promise.
(If I have a slightly crazed look in my eyes it's because I was growing tired of making Travis retake my picture, since he kept NOT telling me that I was doing weird things with my neck, and HE was growing tired of me making him retake this photo, I think.)
This weekend two strangers assumed I was pregnant without knowing it and a woman at church asked me if I was pregnant (which is a dangerous thing to ask someone you have to see every week) so I guess I'm looking pregnant for real.
And that's not all. The exciting news is yet to come:
we will learn the baby's gender in one week.
(I'm not an all-caps or multiple exclamation point kind of girl, so you know that I'm REALLY excited)
GAH! I can't hold it in. Travis still holds that she's a she and I think he's a he, so one of us will be wrong but both will be enormously excited and happy and there will be no disappointment.
How could this baby be a disappointment?
BAAAAH! BABY! I'm so excited, I periodically burst into jumping and yell things like "ONE MORE WEEK!"
Oh Hurrah! A baby a baby a baby yay!
A baby A baby!!!
A baby, a baby, a baby! So I guess you are really pregnant. I am excited too! I think you should name him Patch. Patch Pitcher--has a certain ring to it.
I am so excited for you :) I think he is a he. YAY, I love babies.
I think you look super cute! What does your shirt say?
Never mind I figured it out, Bella Baby.
Love you!
When did this belly of yours start popping out so much?! Yay!
Noelle's nickname will have a whole new meaning when she is pregnant! You look great. We're glad the baby is growing so well. I think it is a she along with Grandma Polly. Sound different huh Polly?
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