Travis and I are not perfect.
But this is something we have to remind ourselves of on a regular basis, because quite frankly, we think very highly of ourselves and each other.
Several times a day we say things like "Oh my gosh, we're going to be awesome parents."
"You look really good. Why are you so good at dressing yourself? Everyone else looks stupid next to you."
or "Are these the best cookies you've ever had? I should get an award for most fantastic cook ever."

And I could write a new blog post every day about how Travis is the best and most awesome husband ever.
Which, frankly, makes me feel a little silly, but also -somewhat guilty.
Some part of me thinks "Don't write another post about how awesome Travis is, because somewhere a girl is reading your blog and she has a crappy husband, or a boyfriend who cheats on her, or is alone without anyone and you'll just make her feel bad. She'll feel even more cheated out of life if she knows how good things are for you."
And so I try to restrain myself.

Sometimes I think "You're getting carried away. People won't believe that you're this happy if you rub it in their faces. They'll think you're reaching for attention, you're lying through your teeth, you're blinded to the flaws in your marriage by the honeymoon stage of bliss you're in."
And so again, I try to restrain myself.

BUT this week I was reading an article in the mormon magazine, the Ensign, and I read these touching words by Jeffery R. Holland*,
"The highest and holiest relationship God gives us in mortality [is] the love that a man and a woman have for each other and the desire that couple has to bring children into a family intended to be forever. Someone said once that true love must include the idea of permanence. True love endures.... True love we are absolutely giddy about --as I am about [my wife] Sister Holland; we shout it from the housetops."

I don't have a housetop to shout from (nor do I think it would be wise for me to climb on to an icy roof in my very pregnant condition) but I have a blog.
And so if I tend to shout from the rooftop blog that Travis is a very handsome, intelligent, hilarious, hardworking, talented, helpful and faithful husband who I love very much and cannot survive without - you'll just have to accept that I am doing so because I love him.
I simply cannot help myself.

(And if you're sick of how often I turn things mormony- you'll also just have to accept that it is because I love the church, and want to shout about it from the rooftops too.)
So, to summarize: I love Travis. He is the best husband ever. I cannot keep from sharing tales of his awesomeness. These are pictures of us being in love. Clearly.
Since I usually show off pictures of us while we were dating or during the first few months of marriage (because I was better than about taking our picture then) here are some pictures from the last year only.
*2010 October General Conference Address: Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul.
p.s. As I look-over this post, it seems to be an "all Becky's many haircuts" posts. I'm trying to decide if I should grown my hair out or cut it short again. Thoughts?
I am lucky enough to have a wife who is beautiful, intelligent, funny, sensitive, spiritual, and just the most perfect person that I know of. I LOVE YOU TOO (from the rooftops or blogtops)!!
Also, I like your hair when it is long enough to put in a ponytail or pigtails, but short enough that is it barely long enough to put into a ponytail or pigtails (if that makes sense).
For what it's worth, I love your hair short. Also, thank you for this post. Very good thoughts.
Even though I'm not married I don't mind that you post pics of your husband. You two are cute together. And for what it's worth, I like your hair in the last picture and the one above it on the left (which I think is the same haircut...)
I love hearing about happy relationships! You two are really cute together. I love your haircut in the last picture on this post - so cute!
yeah, it's good to hear about good relationships. Because it's really easy to think that they don't exist. Also, I just like you both and like you both together a lot.
I really like this post. I think I've read it several times. I think it's so true. . . you know, I always used to think that it was a miracle when two people met, fell in love, and got married, and now I am happy to say that it has happened to me!
i'm one of those people who's "alone without anyone," and your blog does not make me feel bad. honestly, i love reading your blog because you're so in love with him. it gives me hope for someday finding that someone, you know? :)
you two are very cute. i think it is interesting to see how different people have different ways of showing their love for each other (as per the five love languages and various others). personally, i am not as good at expressing love for my husband in words (or blogs), i am much better at expressing love through gifts or actions, but i should work on that because tony is a words of affirmation type of person. i think that all marriages have their struggles, but focusing on the positive and communicating well will only help those struggles to bring you closer.
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