They're always awesome. You can see them all {here}
But this week Kathryn sent a card congratulating us on having two awesome babies.
Complete with her own spellings.
She's pretty good at spelling for a five year old.

Aww, look, Grey can say Mom and Micah can say Dad. What smart babies.
Pretty impressive.
The poor girl didn't even really get to see the boys when she was here, since the NICU rule is "No Kids" (except sick or teeny babies, or course.)
But she did spend a lot of time hanging around outside their window:
What a good auntie.
Kathryn is so good at spelling, I think she is surpassing me as we speak! Although I don't really know what the first lines says...I love that the babies can say mom and dad already, so smart, so smart :)
I love Kathryn's pictures!
awww, letters from little aunties are my favorite. i love these and the picture of her peeking into the babies room. they are going to be best buds for sure!
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