Less photos than usual because I haven't been very good about taking pictures this week, with my real camera or my iPhone.
But here's what we got:
Micah on tummy time. He's getting so strong and good at rolling over!
And Grey and Micah in their new crib! The boys now have a second crib so they can roll and kick all they want in their sleep, and they've been sleeping better!
Handsome Travis and his handsome sons. Man, I love those three boys.
And Micah and Grey staring each other down. It's my favorite thing ever when they look and smile at one another. Cuuuute.
Grey is sad, waiting for his bottle to warm up. Since there's nothing we could do anyway to hurry up - we just took his picture instead of comforting him. Of course.
And Micah laughing at his mama. He seriously thinks I'm hilarious.
And the boys. Micah is trying to get Grey's attention, but Grey is not interested. He only wants to look at me. Sorry Micah.
Hope your weekend is da bomb diggity.
And don't forget to read my Friday Fact and write your own.

Gaaaaa iLOVE the sad grey one!!
The pic of Grey is hilarious! Cute,cute boys!
I have to agree, Grey's sad face is priceless
Cute boys with cute cute smiles:)
Baby shower favors
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