I don't talk about my babies, unless I want to, which sometimes I might. But mostly Fact: it is Friday is when I'm going to maybe tell you something you didn't know about me.
Or maybe a story from my bucktoothed-childhood or bratty teenage years.
Or maybe a story from my bucktoothed-childhood or bratty teenage years.
Becky fact 12: I have been listening to the song "Home" by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros practically on repeat for three days.
It perfectly expresses the way that I feel about my little family. "Home, let me come home! Home is wherever I'm with you."
I listen to it loudly and with much dancing and singing along.
My children think it is a riot.
My husband thinks it is getting old quick.
I did not ask him.
I think you should give this happy song a listen, and do a twirl and leave me a link to you currently-favorite-song in the comments.
(Also, the actual music video could not be embeded, but can be watched on Youtube {here}.
And you should write a Friday Fact!

Fact: I would love it if you clicked below to vote for me:

It perfectly expresses the way that I feel about my little family. "Home, let me come home! Home is wherever I'm with you."
I listen to it loudly and with much dancing and singing along.
My children think it is a riot.
My husband thinks it is getting old quick.
I did not ask him.
I think you should give this happy song a listen, and do a twirl and leave me a link to you currently-favorite-song in the comments.
(Also, the actual music video could not be embeded, but can be watched on Youtube {here}.
And you should write a Friday Fact!

* * *
Fact: it is Friday.
Fact: it is Friday.
I think you should do it too.
And here are your instructions (not really rules...):
1. Write a fact about yourself.
2. Elaborate.
3. It can be long or short, detailed or not.
4. Don't write about your kids. (Unless you want to. Because, I mean... it's your blog. I can't stop you from writing about your kids.)
5. Link up to this blog, so we can all read some facts, and not feel bad that we dropped out of school to be stay-at-home moms. (Since if we're reading facts, then we are still learning.)
6. You're not a dropout like me? Or a stay at home mom? No biggie. You can still play.
Can't think of what to write? Start like this:
Fact: When I was a kid I was really good at...
Fact: My biggest pet peeve is...
Fact: I have a third nipple.

I've been obsessed with this song too! Have you seen the cover with the dad singing with his little girl? I may or may not have made me cry. I love it!
I love this song too! We had it at our wedding in fact. When my husband lets me pick the music in the car, I typically go to that specific album and song, and he just laughs at me. Whatever!
I have purchased it on iTunes and downloaded it to my phone so we can dance to it, too!
I've been playing the version of "You Are My Sunshine" from "O Brother, Where Art Thou," and singing it to my boys an awful lot lately.
I love love love that song too... i constantly hum it... have you seen this version? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L64c5vT3NBw
I recorded myself singing some songs for my nephew's birthday and this song was one of them.
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