I'm sorry!
As my babies get more mobile (and as we spend more and more time running around, outside of our house) I have to rely increasingly on my phone for pictures.
Good thing iPhones take decent pictures. Whew.
I love my phone.
I love my children.
I love pictures of my children on my phone.
So enjoy:

Homemade chicken nuggets for my boys! Just combine cubed chicken breasts, garlic, parsley, parmesan, and some green onions in a food processor. Roll them into meat balls, and dip in egg and batter. I made a bunch and then froze them so my boys can get good meat into their diet! They LOVE them.
All Grey, both above and below. Such a smiley boy!
Micah above, eating pasta (his favorite food) and kissing pictures of his grandparents (below).
We'd love a vote! We're in the top ten, so thank you for all of your clicking!

I've been creeping around here for a while now. Well, mostly through my Google Reader, which doesn't feel that much like creeping. But also through instagram, which feels like full on stalker creeping. But I digress.
I just thought I'd leave a little comment to say that you have the most adorable babies and a sweet, lovely looking little family. I have some mad respect for you.
So very cute are your little men!
I so need an iPhone. my phone takes CRAPPY pictures :(
Becky, I've been thinking about it and these picture confirmed it. You do not look like Peter Pan with short hair. Instead I would say that you look like a more modern version of the model Twiggy. You gorgeous woman you.
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Where did you get those onesies in the second to last photo?? Would LOVE those for my twin boys!!!
Oh, and hi! I've been stalking you for all of 2 days and am slowly reading backwards... You're amazing!
@the life and times of Panda,
Hey thanks! I'm SO glad that you found the blog! I love when twin-moms unite! Those pjs are from the baby Gap, but I got them a while ago, so good luck!
Eh, I'm in Australia, so chances that I can get them is... nil. Ebay to the rescue!
Thanks!! :)
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