I am happy to announce that once again, the time has come to gather and listen to the Prophet speak!
As you may know, Mormons believe that just as God spoke through prophets in the Bible (Moses, Noah, Isaiah, John the Baptist, you get the idea) he continues to speak through them today.
God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, so why would he change his manner of communication with us?
Twice a year (in April and October) we have two days set apart to listen to the prophet and modern day apostles speak.
And I am really excited to get a chance to listen to the prophets tomorrow, and hope that you will tune in for a few hours, too.
If you're interested in watching Conference stream live, the first session begins at 10am- 12pm and then begins again from 2pm- 4pm (MDT).
On Sunday, there are third and fourth sessions from 10am-12pm and again from 2pm- 4pm (MDT). To watch conference live, just click on this link {HERE.}
Or to read, listen to, or watch conference talks from last October, visit {HERE.}

1 comment:
I have really enjoyed reading your blog and hope you'll come read mine! In the next few months, we will start trying for a baby of our own. I would love if you would follow along!
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