Otherwise, I end up with 1 billion (approximately) pictures to share, and some of them are almost a month old!
Heavens forbid!
Well, here you go. Picture overload, once again:
Grey, playing in the dirt. // And eating mud. // On our way to the grocery store! // Pants are overrated.
Micah plays the piano // Riley, the in-laws dog, and giver of french kisses (to the babies.) // Grey, such a big boy!
Playing in the sprinkler. // Grey and uncle Tate on the "Green Machine." // A quilt, and the Chronicles of Narnia: nothing better. // Micah and Grandma Carol
Micah loves popsicles. // Bathtime for skinny boys! // Micah and daddy reading "I Speak Dinosaur!" // Long legged boys.

Grey after naptime. // No, they don't sleep together anymore, but they like to play in each other's cribs. // Grey found a hole to sit in. // I hate that hole. He loves it.
The boys fill the batters-tee with rocks and toys, while wearing stupid outfits.
Kiddie pool! // Girls night out! // Micah and a popsicle. // Grey and a popsicle.
Grey and Micah.
Blog booty! (Don't forget to enter the giveaway for one of your own!) // Grey eating dissembled Pad Thai. // Playing with the neighbor boys. // Micah has the CUTEST smile I've ever seen!
On a walk with the Pitchers. // Atop the shoulders of Aunt Noelle and Uncle Tate. // Our bedroom! I finally got the orchard pictures up! // Grey is a world traveler.
Grey eating lunch. // And fake smiling for me. // Watching the neighbor boys while eating popsicles. // Grey is protecting his box of crackers from all the other boys outside.
At a concert with my in-laws! // Vocal Point from The Sing Off! // My friends sat by us, how ideal! // We met Pentatonix!
Our first foray into homemade pops! They were perfecto!
Grey playing peekaboo!
Grey looks a little scared of Grandpa. // But he loves him, really. // Playing the iPad with daddy. // Micah is a sweaty, hot boy.
Driving in the car.
Their clothes got all wet, running through Grandma's sprinkler. // Micah, watching the neighbors mow the lawn from a safe place. // Their favorite food, and my favorite store. // Sitting on the steps.
Baby thighs! // Clean diapers. Such a good feeling. // Their favorite toy. // Eating dinner with their own spoons.
Grey is actually holding himself up without any support from Travis!
A trip to Costco.
Micah and Mama. // Swimming with my lovely friend Charne // Playing in Grandma's sandbox. // Grey and Charne in the pool.
Grey doesn't like to be ignored for the computer. // Micah and Daddy play the iPad. // Micah and Mama. // Pathetic Grey.
Sleeping Micah. // Grey and Mama. // In a bounce house!
Bath time // Baboon butt! // Micah likes to rake. // Feeding them naked makes clean-up easier.
Twins? // Chocolate chips make Grey crazy! // Micah likes them, too! // But sometimes Micah throws tantrums.
Grey has a hard time waking up. // Micah loves the tub, // And he love to snuggle Grandma, too. // Snack time.
You have such cute boys. Can I tell you we're considering the name Grey for our next little boy? I hope you don't consider that copyright infringement.
It made me so happy to see some rear-facing babies that are over a year old. I get all sorts of eyebrows from people for having my girls still rear facing even though they're past 1 yr/20 lbs. I was starting to think I'm crazy!
Also, can you do a "favorite things" post?! Like your favorite things for the boys plus things you absolutely can't live without? :)
I love all the photos, it makes it easier for those of us far away to watch those boys grow. I especially love the one of the dirty face........ yea I know there are lots of those but it brings back so many memories. Boys ROCK!!!!!
I have no idea how I just ended up on your site, but I am smitten! Cloth diapering is about to be my daily routine, and I'm a newbie. Excited to see you managed to do it with twins! :) Love the photos! Happy weekend, sugar! xo
Lots of wonderful photos. I think I am caught up on your blog now. Love it! Love you!
Ok I know this is an old post but I have an iPhone and I can't for the life of me figure out how to post photos from it on my blog. Can you help?
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