Sun: "Reading" an ebook on the iPad. So techy! // Mon: Homemade waffles with homemade sour-cherry syrup
Tues: Popsicle time // Wed: Popsicle time pt. 2
Thurs: Micah at Travis' Office, taking pictures with the Holga (or pretending to...) // Fri: Getting ready to be SLINGSHOTTED!
Sat: Grey is ready to catch his brother at the bottom of the slide.
Sun: Micah, coloring at Mama's sewing table. // Mon: Micah and Auntie Tessa. I think Micah looks so old in that picture!
Tues: Grey likes to sit on the scooter and pretend to rev it up. // Wed: Independence Day: Grey and Uncle Tate watching the parade
Thurs: RAIN, Finally put an end to the drought and wildfires! // Fri: Bedtime bath. Man, I love those little naked boys.
Sat: Something about the heat of summer makes me want to knit like crazy, I've just finished one baby hat and am a quarter of the way through a second one.
Do you do a photo-a-day? I'd love a link to them if you do! I think it is such a good representation of our real life. Quiet days of knitting, waffles, popsicles, and rain. A perfect summer, don't you think?
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I didn't know you were a knitter! Good for you! I knit a little when I was your age and found it very relaxing. Perhaps because I never did anything difficult. I always thought I would, but never did. Now I never will, but I have plenty of other stuff, right?
Why yes you did inspire me to take a photo a day. Also, to take a family picture in an orchard every season.
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