Travis: Get over to your side of the bed!
Becky: NO! It's cold over there with no one to warm me up and chilly sheets!
Travis: Fine, lets go. As soon as I warm this beast up, I'm going back to my side.
Becky: Don't call me a beast.
Travis: My mission: to teach the beast to love.
Becky: Gahhh! *Begins giggling A LOT*
Travis: Day one: the beast is laughing like and idiot and saying "Derf, Derf, Derf."
Becky: Derf!
Travis: Day two: the beast is clearly insane. I shall teach it, yet! She has reached moderate intelligence. *Tries to roll back to his side of the bed, but cannot, because I'm holding his arms.*
Travis: Day 218: the beast is holding me against my will. She has reached mild intelligence -
Becky: You said moderate!
Travis: but she is still dimwitted, so I think I can outsmart her.
Becky: You cannot!
Travis: I'm going to have to 127 hours her.
Becky: Gross
Travis: Hopefully she will not notice me chewing off my own arm. It will be worth it.

I laughed aloud and read this to my lab.
Bahahaha! I'm so glad my hubs and I aren't the only ones who do things like this!!!
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