Monday, June 17, 2013

Photo a Day: June 9 -15

This week, I had an impossibly difficult time wittling my pictures down to one a day. 
As I get used to this new camera and lens, I am taking dozens (okay, sometimes hundreds) of pictures every day. And frankly, there were just too many pictures that I loved. I'll share more of them this week. But for now, here is a photo (or two) from every day this week. 

Sun June 9: Wildflowers everywhere. // Mon June 10: "Wind, Mama! Feel the wind!" 

Tues June 11: Micah boy. My crazy, fearless adventurer.  

Wed June 12: The best picture we managed to get of our family on the ferris wheel.  

 Wed June 12: Grey, my other crazy and fearless adventurer, climbing down a waterfall. // Thurs June 13: My Grey.

 Fri June 14: Eating blueberries on the front step. 

Sat June 15: Riding the scooter with daddy (They don't really ride like this.) // And Grey digging at the park. 

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1 comment:

  1. Wow that picture on the ferris wheel, I thought maybe you were on the tilt a whirl because Travis looks so crazy.
