My mom said she feels like it's always Photo-a-Day on my blog, I feel that way too, but I kind of love it.
It's nice to get back into blogging after the weekends with something easy and formulaic.
I always make up these little rules for my blog (which I never follow), they go like this, Once a week, I want to include:
Photo a day
Wordless Wednesday
One post about something "important" (sometimes it's religious, sometimes my kids aren't sleeping, sometimes it's about eating meat... The "importance-ness" varies, obviously.)
One post that's mostly words (can be the above post)
One "short and sweet" post, usually funny or silly, that's a mix of pictures and text
One recipe or DIY (obviously, I hardly ever do this.)
And I change this list of rules on myself all the time to include videos or conversations or whatever I feel like my blog is in need of. But pretending like my blog is part of a job (it's not. I WISH I made money on it) makes it easier to remember to blog daily, and blog different things.
I love my blog.
I will (hesitantly) admit that I love it more than any other blog in the world and that I go through and read my own past-blogposts every time I have spare time to kill.
It's like flipping through my journal and the boys' baby books at once. I love this record of our lives, and all the friends it's brought me.
Okay, this post is turning into a random post about blogs which also includes pictures, but bear with me!
This weekend at my annual Harry Potter's Birthday Party (of which I mostly have zero pictures), there were three different occasions when I heard people say, "How do you know Becky?" And the response was, "Oh, through her blog, actually."
I realized that many of the people at the party had been brought into my life because of this little place on the Internet.
So thanks, Internet, for finding me friends.
And thanks, readers, for liking me enough to leave comments and write emails and make play dates. I seriously love it.
And if you have read this blog and thought to yourself, "Becky is seriously my soul-sister, I wish we were bosom-friends" (do people think that? I think that about other bloggers all the time, but maybe I'm strange...) then send me an email, or leave me a comment, and be my bestie for real.
And until that day when we finally make a play date and fall in love:
Please enjoy some photos from our week.
Sun July 21: The boys' cousin James!
Mon July 22: Micah keeps cool with the hose.
Tues July 23: Micah and Daddy. // Wed July 24 (Pioneer Day, in Utah!) Grey with a sparkler!
(Another from) Wed July 24: The boys' autre cousine Finn, the happiest chubbiest baby in the land! // Thurs July 25: Grey.
Fri July 26: Micah and Grey at the Digger Park! // Sat July 27: Sunflowers from a kind friend. They make my whole kitchen cheery.
I've been thinking of doing a linky-list every Monday when people can link to their weekly photos, whether it's a photo a day, or one photo a week, or somesuch. Any interest in that, my friends?
If there is interest, there can be a specific theme or challenge we could do together, or just... do whatever we want.
Any thoughts?

Unless Finn is a girl, it's just "cousin". Which reminds me of the time I wrote "J'aime Matthew beaucoup" somewhere on BYU campus, and someone corrected my graffiti to "J'aime beaucoup, Matthew." I wish I had made a meme about only college kids would correct the grammar of graffiti. Also, I want to be your bosom buddy. Move to Texas.
I would do the link thing, but have no idea how. So help me?
Becky, you are seriously my soul sister and I totally want to hang out with you! Cute pictures, I never can get enough pictures.
I wish we lived in the same city or even state for that matter! My 18 month old Boston is seriously suffering from only child, protective clingy mother syndrome & having your rambunctious twins around would probably do him some good! Until then I love enjoying your cute, fun life from my air conditioned apt down in crazy hot AZ!
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