I'm not really back home, but I am back to the blog, and I come bearing pictures!
Our trip to San Diego was perfect. So perfect, in fact, that I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should of.
But here are some of the things it included:
Lots of "cousins."
Little boys jumping bravely off the diving board into the deep end of the pool.
Eating popsicles in the dark on the trampoline.
Trying to remember how to surf.
Late nights, up laughing and talking.
Sunburn for Grey and me.
Looking for sea shells and gathering buckets of sand crabs.
Sandy toes.
Outdoor showers.
and buying overpriced souvenirs.
All in all, it was a pretty perfect trip.
It's hard to believe that this week started at home with my grandparents and ended in Nevada with my own parents, but took place almost entirely in San Diego with my not-Aunt and not-really-my-Uncle.
Sun June 23: At the park with my grandma Mary. // Mon June 24: Grey and Micah with Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa.
Tues June 23: Stopping in the middle of nowhere Utah on our way to San Diego. // Wed June 24: Straight to the beach, where Grey fell in love with his cousin Jordan Lily and insisted on spending all time with her.
Thurs June 27: Tate was a natural on the surfboard! // Poor, overheated Micah waiting for a smoothie to cool down.
Fri June 28: Our little family.
Also Fri June 28: Surfing brothers. (Doesn't Travis look especially handsome?)
Sat June 29: My cute cousins (okay, not really related) who are also identical twin boys. I tried SO hard to get a picture of them with the boys, but Grey and Micah weren't having it. {Here's one} from last year though.

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