I haven't been working on much like I normally do. I'm distracted. I'm distracted by several things, but what is primarily distracting me is knitting Christmas stockings.
I know. It's only August. But I've decided to make 24 of these tiny adorable stockings for a little advent (so I'll hang them all up, and inside each one I'll put a verse of scripture about Jesus and/or his birth, and I'll include little activities for the day, like "Watch a Christmas Movie with Mom" or "Decorate Cookies for a Neighbor" or "Go see Santa.")
And you guys, even just thinking about it now is making me all excited and giddy for Christmas and I want to share all my good ideas for Christmas this year. Because I think this is the year that my kids are going to get it. This is the year that they'll be like, "Oh that's Santa. He's bringing presents to my house? I FREAKING LOVE presents!"
Yes, my sons. I know it.
Anyway, I've got 6 stockings made, thus a quarter of the way done. And if I have free moments to spare, I find that I'd rather knit than blog.
Except right now! Because I get to talk about knitting. Almost the same!
Yikes. My poor husband.
But here are some pictures from the last week. They're mostly pretty:
Sun Aug 11: Micah // Mon Aug 12: Grey is checking out our tiny watermelon in the garden!
Tues Aug 12: Blue Steel! // Wed Aug 13: Sometimes I hold photo shoots for delicious cookies.
Thurs Aug 15: Crossing the river in Millcreek Canyon.
Fri Aug 16: Grey, Micah, and James: This picture is hilarious to me!
Sat Aug 17: Some sloppily-knitted baby booties for a friend's perfect new little girl!
And some more from Saturday when we had a spontaneous finger-painting session. What artistic little boys I have.

1 comment:
I love all these pictures! Especially Micah with his hand resting on his chin and Grey doing blue steel. So cute!
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