September is a golden month. Just as October is The Month of Fun, September is the golden prequel. It promises a perfect finish to the year. It's the warm-up lap before the race to piles of fallen leaves, sticky faced children in Halloween costumes, first snowfalls, overflowing Thanksgiving tables, Christmas movies, chilly sleigh rides and then, and then! The year will finish with a perfect flourish of gold, red, and green, and happiness and joy to the world.
And September is the beginning of all that wonderfulness.
September is still hot. But it's just chilly enough, that about once a week - my kids need long jeans, and maybe even a sweater. Yesterday, we walked through the rain to church, the boys each wearing their brand-new striped sweaters over collared shirts.
It was the best thing I've ever seen. But then, lying in bed that night, I suddenly pictured flurries of snow and got really freaked out.
No, wait! I wanted to shout to September. I'm not ready for winter. Not quite yet! I'm just ready for fall! I'm ready for sweaters and colds, not snow pants and the flu!
But this morning, I don't mind the idea of snow. And we've still got a while before it hits us.
As for those colds? They struck the Pitcher house in the night. Boo, you runny-nose and itchy throat! Are you the cost of cozy sweaters?
Sept 3: Micah has been obsessed with his train tracks lately. // Sept 4: Two little boys are officially at the halfway mark between two and three.
Sept 5: Making pumpkin waffles in the early morning sunshine.
Sept 6: Grey, muscle man. I can't get over those heart-shaped lips. // Sept 7: Daddies are more fun than Mommies.

Grey's lips! Don't feel weird that I think they look very kissable. In an adorable little boy way.
Looks like a fun week! Glad we could be apart of it!
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