No. It wasn't. One half of my house was clean. The front half.
So I took pictures for you.
Why was my house so half-clean? Because my children were being taken care of by someone else, in a place that was not my kitchen. Also, it's an illusion, Michael.
It's not as clean as I pretend. I did a lot of moving things (like dishes) out of the way for pictures.
But still. Pretty dang good. For me, at least!
I know less is probably more as far as photos go, but too bad! Here are 15 pictures of my kitchen!
And click if you want to see Home Tour {Part One} The Bedrooms.
So this is the kitchen. The kitchen, living room, and dining area are all really one big room with just that island breaking it up.
I covered that hanging cupboard with pictures of our family. A couple are professional, but most are just pictures I took and liked. You can see my sink back there, and above the cupboards you can see we have "storage" room. Which is where I stack things like giant boxes of food or laundry detergent from Costco.
My fridge. I think I need to make some new Instagram magnets, since they're my favorite and all the ones there were made like two years ago.
Across from the oven is drumroll... yes. A washing machine. For clothing. The dryer is by our back door. It's strange that it's there, but I love having one in our house - so I'll take it! Even if that means we don't have room for a dishwasher.
From the kitchen you can see our table (and all the way back to my bedroom, if you're looking!)
Open cupboards. I love these and want similar shelves in every kitchen I ever have. It's so nice to have my cookbooks and jars and things in the open!
Here's the view from the living room. See the boys' messy "art table," complete with a picture they co-painted of a rainbow? And to the left is the front door, complete with a messy (and unphotographed) coat-hanging jamboree.
And the view of the living room from the kitchen.
That whole shelf is pretty much filled with toys.
And the other half of the room, which contains my desk - complete with a ridiculous amount of unorganized craft-supplies and fabric, and a computer from which I type my blog.
Now you kind of know what my house looks like!
Except it will never look like this when you visit, because my kids will probably be here.
I love our kitchen and living room, though. When we were looking for houses, we just stepped in the front door and I said, "This is it. Please let us live here!" I love the big windows, bright natural light, hardwood floors, and open floor plan. The kitchen actually looks deceptively big in these pictures, but it is pretty spacious. I almost always have room for my two-little helpers next to me at the counter.
Don't look too closely at the clutter that is hidden away in corners and under desks and it's even pretty simple and modern-looking, I think. I love it.
I love my house. I'm sad that we're probably moving in August, since that's when our lease expires.
Our home is big enough for our family of four, but maybe not quite big enough for our family of five.

1 comment:
Your home looks lovely.
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