Yesterday, the boys and I painted these awesome signs. As you can probably tell, I helped more with Micah's sign (the one on top) than with Grey's, which he pretty much painted himself. But I'm impressed with their ability and desire to try to paint inside the letter-lines! I guess that's what being three means. New skills.
Today Travis' sister Noelle gets home from an 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We're so impressed and proud of her, because it's a LONG stretch of time to go without seeing your family- and hardly even speaking to them on the phone (usually just twice a year!)
But mostly, we're excited to see her! Since she was gone 18 months ago, she has essentially been gone for half of the boys' lives!
When she left for her mission, the boys had yet to ever even say Please! It's amazing how much has changed for us in a year and a half and we're excited to see how she's changed, too.
But mostly, we're excited to get an aunt around here!
The boys have six aunts, and they all live far away. Too far away.
My sister Mary is in Arizona, my sister Katie is in Nevada, my sister Lisa is in Hong Kong. Travis' sister Camille (and the boys' only cousins!) live in England, and his sister Tessa is in Georgia. Can you believe how spread out our families are? Thank goodness the boys have grandparents and an Uncle in the same state as us- or they'd be really deprived.
But finally, finally we'll have an aunt here to love and play with! Just in time for Baby Brother to arrive. Well, okay. He'll be here in two months. (TWO MONTHS, MY FRIENDS.)
But anyway. The point of this post is to say: Noelle is coming home. We are insanely excited.
And if you want to learn more about what she's been teaching for the last year and a half, check out
Happy Tuesday, my friends! I hope it's as good as ours.

Love the signs. Thanks for all your love and support. We are EXCITED!!!!!
This is so exciting for your family !
I would really enjoy reading a post by Noelle or your interviewing her about her mission, what she learnt from the place where she was, from the people she met, her daily activities and so on. Do you think it could be possible?
This is so exciting for your family !
I would really enjoy reading a post by Noelle or your interviewing her about her mission, what she learnt from the place where she was, from the people she met, her daily activities and so on. Do you think it could be possible?
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