It's been two weeks since August was blessed, but I am determined to finally post about it!
It was a whirlwind of weekend, since my family all came to town for the blessing, but they were only here for Saturday and half of Sunday.
When a baby is "blessed" in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it essentially means that they're presented and prayed over. It's one of my favorite traditions. So Travis, my dad, my father-in-law, my sister's husband and another family friend gathered in a circle at the front of the congregation, and blessed my sweet August James.
My brother Jack was kind enough to take some notes for me, so that I could just focus on taking in the beautiful words of prayer for my baby.
Some of the things that Travis blessed August with are these:
To continue to grow strong and be healthy.
To have sensitivity to the spirit of God.
To find Joy and satisfaction in the world around him and the people that become involved in his life.
That he will look to his many role models as examples, and follow the path set for him.
To serve in the church, and serve God.
That he can serve a mission as well as he can, and dedicate his life to the Lord.
To give service throughout his life.
That he will have love for everyone and find beauty and peace in the people that he serves with.
Now, obviously, these aren't predictions for August's life - so much as a father's prayer and hopes for his son. I am grateful for such a husband as Travis, who is close to the Lord. August was blessed on Father's Day, and we were blessed to be surrounded by the phenomenal fathers in our lives.

I am so grateful, not only for Travis (whose praises I sing constantly), but for my own Dad and Father-in-Law.
They each have so many admiral qualities that I hope all of my sons grow to emulate. In Grey and Micah's baby books, I included a paragraph where I talk about who they are named after (Grey Christopher after my Dad, and Micah David after Travis' Dad).
Rereading them recently, I was reminded of how blessed we are to have these strong, Godly men in our lives. I wanted to share the paragraphs here, too, as I hope these are the things August emulates as well:

Some of the things that we hope you learn from your Grandpa Chris are these, to have respect and love for nature, to be smart and driven, to be willing to work hard. To understand and appreciate both science and facts, poetry, and art.
We hope that you know that you can do or be anything you want. Your Grandpa Chris has more hobbies and talents than anyone we’ve ever met! You will be good at so many things, and if you work hard, you can make anything good happen.
We hope that you have a good sense of humor. Your Grandpa Chris is so funny, and makes friends so easily. He is personable, and happy, and we know that you will be the same!
But we hope especially that you have a love for your family and the gospel. No relationships are more important than your relationships with your family, your Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ.
From your father, I hope you learn to work hard and passionately. That you can create beautiful things, and follow your heart in work and in life. I hope that you learn to be kind and calm, to take things in stride and remain optimistic, regardless of the difficulties you face. I hope that you can cultivate many interests, and be brave - in work, relationships, or life in general. That you can be content with simplicity, but be able to handle anything that is thrown at you.
From your grandpa Dave, we hope that you learn how to be patient and kind, gentle and thoughtful. That you will seek opportunities to show love to those around you and be quick and happy to serve. We hope that you will recognize good in the world and in others, and help the people around you desire to be better.
He is a wonderful example of service and love to others, and dedication to the gospel of Christ. Your grandpa Dave is quick to smile, laugh, and bring ease to any situation. He is hard-working and dedicated, to his work, callings, and especially his family - whom he lovingly and unselfishly serves.
Throughout your life, as you face challenges, follow their examples and remember to remain close to your Father in Heaven, and your family here on earth. We all love you so much, and hope that you never forget that, or think that it doesn’t matter.

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