Friday, October 17, 2014

Alpine Loop (Part 1)

Like all good Autumn-loving Utahans, we recently did the drive through the Alpine Loop in the mountains. It is essentially a windy road through canyons and up peaks covered, covered, covered in the most breathtaking fall colors. 
I have often told Travis that Utah isn't very good at fall. In the valleys, the leaves often shrivel up and die before ever changing color. Actually, there aren't that many leaves here to begin with (at least compared to my lush forest home.)
But the mountains! Ain't nobody got nothing on Utah's mountains in the fall. Driving and hiking through them makes you want to sing opera and hymns and take one million and seven pictures. 
We went with my in-laws, and they were kind enough to drive their car packed with our kids, so Travis and I could take the motorcycle up canyon together. It was phenomenal and beautiful and I really did take about one million and seven pictures. In fact, we managed to get some gorgeous family pictures that I am really excited about. My mother-in-law rocked the camera and all my kids magically smiled at the camera (at the same time!) for the first time in history. So here is part one of the photos. The photos of our family that aren't "Family Photos."  You know. 

"Oh, Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made...
Then sings my soul, my savior God to thee, How great Thou art! How great Thou art!" 

My mother-in-law is the baby whisperer. She has bounced my kids to sleep more often and always more successfully than anyone else.

You guys. I love fall. I love it. October is the best month of the year.Hope you aren't sick of these autumnesque photos yet, because they're not about to stop.

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Polly said...

Beautiful pictures. Sounds like a lovely day.

MARCIE said...

Gorgeous backdrop! Looks like a wonderful tradition for fall.